Funeral Homes in Bloomfield, NJ

Peter Jarema Funeral Home

Peter Jarema Funeral Home

2 reviews
New York, NY - 11 mi away
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“I recommended Peter Jarema to a family I was working with. Danny and Robert were caring, compassionate, honest, and fully accommodating. The chapel is historic, warm, and beautiful with a lot of flexi...” full review »

Richards Funeral Home

Richards Funeral Home

1 reviews
Riverdale, NJ - 14 mi away
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“Starting from them coming to my home to pick up my mother who passed suddenly . The 2 people who came,...could not handle my mother. They almost dropped her !...not once...not twice,..but 3 times !! I...” full review »

How Much Does a Funeral Cost in Bloomfield, NJ?

Service Type Average Price Lowest Price
Traditional Funeral $8,047 $7,080
Cremation Memorial $4,770 $3,735
Direct Burial $2,905 $2,815
Direct Cremation $2,132 $1,645