Funeral Homes in New Castle, DE

Featured Direct Cremation of Delaware Valley

Direct Cremation of Delaware Valley

2 reviews
Philadelphia, PA - 37 mi away
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“The people at Meyers did more for my family then I ever thought possible. When my mother passed away I wanted to make sure everything we did for her was as special as every day she spent with us. So t...” full review »

Featured Cremation Society of Maryland

Cremation Society of Maryland

76 reviews
Baltimore, MD - 67 mi away
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“Am so excited to share my testimony of a real spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My husband and I have been married for about 6yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, 3 months ago...” full review »

How Much Does a Funeral Cost in New Castle, DE?

Service Type Average Price Lowest Price
Traditional Funeral $7,553 $7,376
Cremation Memorial $4,333 $3,975
Direct Burial $3,472 $3,295
Direct Cremation $3,030 $2,487